Aunt Jo Best Dressed 2008. Heather Scellato was a very close second!
Amy was another Rookie this year.
Notice Jenn and stinky Annette yammering in the corner. They got in trouble like 6000 times for talking! Notice Dawn Hudson. She looks very cute and sweet but all I can say about that is "4 balls". She even made me blush!!!
Rachel tricked them into looking bad. HA! Amanda...nice belly! Keep those pants up. She was stolen from atleast 5 times.
Kellie is happy 'cause she stole the boot!!!!! There were 35 people in my downstairs and it got warm baby. I think we all laughed our fool heads off. Five of the people fought it out for Rookie of the year! She won most beatiful ornament too. It was the best (we say that every year) party ever...thank you for making it great!